1-Right of Access to Information
- Définition :
The right of access to information (DAI) is a fundamental right of the individual and the community.
The law herein has as an aim to guarantee the right for any natural person or legal entity to access to information
- Information: any recorded information regardless of its date, its form and its support, produced or obtained by the bodies subjected to the provisions of the law herein within the framework of the exercise of their activities,
- The access to information: the proactive publication of information by the concerned body and the right to reach it on request
- The third: any natural person or legal entity other than the concerned body holder of the information and the applicant of access to the information.
B - Legal, regulatory and explanatory texts governing access to information
The right of access to information (DAI) is a fundamental right of the individual and the community which is guaranteed by:
- Tunisia's Constitution dated 27 January 2014 Art. 32: The state guarantees the right to information and the right of access to information and communication networks.
- Decree-law n °41 dated 26 May 2011, relating to access to administrative documents of public bodies (Ar) : link N° 1
- Decree-law n °54 dated 11 Jun 2011 (Ar) : link N° 2
- Circular n°25 dated 05 Mai 2012 relating to implementation of Decree-law n °41 dated 26 May 2011 (Ar): Link N° 3
- Organic law n° 2016-22 dated 24 march 2016, relating to the right of access to information: Link N° 4
- Guide to Access to Information (Ar): Link N°5
2- Responsibles for acces to information
- Those in charge of access to information
- Ouechtati Fethia: Deputy Director of Information Dissemination
- Mhimdi Samia : Head of service
- Ben Ali Aida : Head of service
- Email : info@ins.tn
- Email : info@ins.tn
71 280 455 (216) : Phone
Link N° 6 Certificate of official appointment of information access officers (Ar):
B – Generals information about National Institute of statistics (NIS)
The National Institute of Statistics was created in 1969. It is a non-administrative public organization. It also represents a central organ in the national statistics system. According to its status, INS is managed by a governing board chaired by the INS Chief executive officer.
- Director general: M. Nsiri Bouzid
- National Institute of statistics (NIS)
- Phone : (216) 71 891 002
- Fax : (216) 71 792 559
- Adress : 70, rue Ech-cham BP 265 CEDEX Tunis, Tunisia.
- E-Mail : ins@ins.tn
- Web site : www.ins.tn.
- Main Missions NIS: Link N°7
- Laws, decrees, legal texts relating to the National Institute of Statistics: Link N°8
3- Necessary documents for access to information
- List of services provide to publics (Ar): Link N°9
- Guide to access to information (NIS) (Ar): Link N°10
- Access to Information Request Form (Ar) : Link N°11
- Grievance to the general director form: Link N°12
4 - Proactive administrative documents
- Budget NIS 2020 : Link N°13
- Activity report NIS 2016-2017 (Ar) : Link N°14
- Activity report NIS 2017-2018 (Ar) : Link N°15
- Activity report NIS 2018-2019 (Ar) : Link N°16
- Activity report NIS 2019-2020 (Ar) : Link N°17
- Activity report NIS 2020-2021 (Ar) : Link N°30
- Deal programs INS 2020 (Ar): Link N°29
5- Statistics and reports relating access to information (NSI)
- Stats :
- Statistics 2016 : Link N°18
- Statistics 2017 : Link N°19
- Statistics 2018 : Link N°20
- Statistics 2019 : Link N°21
- Statistics 2020 : Link N°22
B – Annual reports relating access to NIS information
- Annual reports 2014 (Ar) : Link N°23
- Annual reports -2015 (Fr) : Link N°24
- Annual reports 2017 (Fr) : Link N°25
- Annual reports 2018 (Ar) : Link N°26
- Annual reports 2019 (Ar) : Link N°27
- Annual reports 2020 (Ar) : Link N°28
- Annual reports 2021 (Ar) : Link N°29