As part of the Med Stat IV program (2016-2019), a regional publication on energy statistics: Energy Balances and Indicators was produced. The main objectives of this publication are:
- to Improve data quality and comparability of energy balance,
- to further align methodologies and presentation standards
This publication on Energy balances are presented in two complementary volumes:
Volume 1: “Key results” presents the latest available year (2017) for the countries’ comparable energy balances, a quick review of the main evolutions of the energy balances indicators between 2013 and 2017 and a trend analysis for the main comparable indicators extracted from the Energy balances,
- Volume 2: “Detailed results” provides all the basic data that were gathered and consolidated on the Energy balances for the years 2013 to 2017. The publication also includes a description of the methods and practices followed by each country in compiling the energy balances.