
Tunisia in Figures 2019

This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2019" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use; This booklet includes demographic, social and economic information about Tunisia. This edition refers to data for the year 2019. It gives a brief overview on the annual evolution of key economic and social indicators.

Statistics Monthly Bulletin, April 2021

This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.

Tunisia poverty map, Septembre 2020

This poverty map report has been produced by the National Office of Statistics of Tunisia, in collaboration with the World Bank. The poverty indicators presented in this report were calculated on the basis of data from the General Census of Population and Housing (RGPH) of 2014 and the National Survey on Budget, Consumption and Living Standards of households (ENBCNV 2015). The calculation methodology, developed by C. Elbers, J. Lanjouw and P.