After virtually stagnating at the start of the year (+ 0.2%), real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declined by (minus) 2.0% in the second quarter of 2021. Year-on-year, and due to base effect induced by the slowdown in activity in spring 2020 following the containment measures, GDP growth posted a rather “technical” correction of + 16.2% in the second quarter of 2021, after an annual decrease of minus 1.7% in the previous quarter.
N.B From this quarter, « Statistiques Tunisie » publishes growth figures according to the new national accounts system. This third generation of Tunisian accounts, with 2015 as a new reference year, takes over the accounts based on the year 1997. This rebasing was the opportunity to upgrade national accounts system by adopting the latest international standard (the 2008 SNA), as well as a significant improvement in statistical coverage and a refinement of some estimation procedures.