
Films in cinemas
Unit : (Number of films)
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Unit : Number of films
Source : Ministry of Culture
Films in cinemas
Total of movies534321351839353684
Chinese (Hong Kong)--------1------1
jQuery("#tblEmployee-0").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
Source : Ministry of CultureUpdate : 16-03-2021
Entries in cinemas
Unit : (Number)
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Unit : Number
Source : Ministry of Culture
Entries in cinemas
Entries into the halls of cinema880000600000750000980000400000650000440000710000930000
jQuery("#tblEmployee-0").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
Source : Ministry of CultureUpdate : 16-03-2021
Cinema halls
Unit : (Number of halls)
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Unit : Number of halls
Source : Ministry of Culture
Cinema halls
jQuery("#tblEmployee-0").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
Source : Ministry of CultureUpdate : 16-03-2021
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| 2024-05-16 | Report
Ce rapport annuel sur les indicateurs d'infrastructure permet de mettre en relief les efforts consentis par l'Etat dans les différents domaines et secteurs et en premier lieu le secteur des infrastructures.
| 2023-11-17 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2023-02-02 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2022-10-05 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2022-01-21 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2021-07-07 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2021-02-19 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2020-09-18 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2020-03-06 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2019-07-29 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2019-06-17 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2018-05-24 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2018-05-10 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2017-05-12 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2017-02-15 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2016-03-28 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2014-07-10 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2013-10-24 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2012-08-11 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2011-11-12 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2010-03-26 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2009-06-13 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2008-09-21 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2007-08-15 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2006-05-16 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2005-09-22 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2004-10-15 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2003-07-15 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2002-09-14 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
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